Civil Society Partners

Basic Education Network Ethiopia

Basic_Education_Network_Ethiopia.original.pngEstablished in 1998, Basic Education Network Ethiopia (BEN-E) is a network of 90 Ethiopian domestic and international organizations working on basic education. BEN-E promotes the provision of quality education focusing on children with disabilities, pastoralist children, girls, early childhood care and education (ECCE), and youth and adult education. BEN-E was a member of the national Taskforce that drafted the Early Childhood Care and Education Policy Framework, which lead to the government introduction of a one-year “O” class pre-primary education in all primary schools.

Brazilian Campaign for the Right to Education

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The National Campaign for the Right to Education (Campaign) started in 1999 to increase alternative political voices, prioritize mobilization, apply political pressure, and work with the media in the defense and promotion of educational rights. Today the Campaign is considered the most comprehensive and plural coordinator in the field of education in Brazil, establishing itself as a network that links hundreds of groups and entities distributed across the country, including school communities, social movements, trade unions, national non-governmental organizations and international foundations, university, student, youth and community groups, as well as thousands of citizens who believe in building a country fair and sustainable through the provision of a quality public education.

Civil Society Action Coalition on Education for All

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The Civil Society Action Coalition on Education for All (CSACEFA) has worked since 2004 as a leading civil society voice in education in Nigeria, with a focus on ensuring access to quality education through building civil society capacity throughout the country. Its past in-country advocacy efforts have aided the abolition of user fees for non-indigenes in the Zamfara state in 2004 and the strengthening of the teachers’ development policy in the Kwara state in 2013. CSACEFA was the host organization of the first RTEI consultation, held in Lagos in 2013.

Civil Society Network for Education Reforms

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Established in 1999, the Civil Society Network for Education Reforms (E-Net) Philippines is a network of 150 organizations that work together to advance the right to education for all Filipinos. It has experience engaging at all levels, from organizing and training Local School Boards or Development Councils to sitting as a co-chair on the National Education for All Committee (NEC). E-Net Philippines has particular expertise in educating and advocating around financing for education where the Alternative Budget Initiative (ABI) trains civil society organizations on budget literacy and analysis.

Coalition National de l'Éducation Pour Tous

Coalition Nationale de l'education Pour Tours, CONEPT-RDC

Since 2009, the Coalition National de l'Éducation Pour Tous (CONEPT/RDC) works to build a proactive civil society who ensures quality of education as a right for all children by influencing decision makers through evidenced-based advocacy. CONEPT is a civil society organization formed by 30 civil society groups representing all provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo. As part of its activities, CONEPT conducted the campaign "Every Child Needs a Teacher" with the aim to promote inclusive education, including mass mobilization activities organized throughout the country.

Economic & Social Rights Centre - Hakijamii

Hakijamii logoFounded in 2004 and registered in 2007, Hakijamii is a national human rights organization that works with marginalized groups to support them to claim their economic and socio-cultural rights. With a secretariat in Nairobi, Hakijamii has strategic community partners in Nairobi, Kisumu, Garissa, Isiolo, Kakamega, Kwale, and Mombasa. They work with governments, CSOs, CBOs, FBOs, and the private sector to jointly create effective engagement platforms, strengthen capacities, and link policy implementation to budgetary allocation towards the realization of economic, social, and cultural rights.

Education Coalition of Zimbabwe

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Over the last seven years, Education Coalition of Zimbabwe (ECOZI) has conducted evidence-based advocacy to ensure Zimbabwe attains its educational goals, as well as those set out in the Education for All goals and the Millennium Development Goals. ECOZI has coordinated a unified civil society voice in Zimbabwe that advocates for fee abolition and has helped the government align the Education Act with the new national constitution, which came into effect in 2013.

Education for All Sierra Leone Coalition

EFA-SL.jpgEducation for All Sierra Leone Coalition(EFA-SL) was established in 2000 to ensure that education is inclusive and accessible for all. EFA-SL is made up of over 60 organizations, including civil society organizations and community and faith-based organizations, that partner on research, campaign, and advocacy work to remind the government of its commitment towards education.

Elimu Yetu Coalition

Elimu Yetu Coalition.pngElimu Yetu Coalition (EYC) is Kenya’s national education coalition established in 1999 as the national platform for civil society organizations, professional groupings, education and research institutions, and other non-state actors in Kenya’s education sector to advocate for the implementation of Education for All (EFA) goals as articulated in the Jomtien Declaration in 1990 and the Dakar Framework of Action 2000. The coalition brings together over 140 member organizations, utilising a rights-based approach to mobilise collective efforts of education stakeholders and local communities in Kenya and provide leadership in on-going efforts to make EFA a reality in Kenya.

Foro Dakar Honduras

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Foro Dakar Honduras is a group of civil society organizations established in 2001 with the objective of making the right to education a reality in Honduras. After the adherence of Honduras to the Education for All agreement, Foro campaigned and promoted the approval of the Fundamental Education Law (Ley Fundamental de Educacion) in Honduras.

Foro por el Derecho a la Educación

Foro por el derecho a la educacion

Since 2003, Foro por el Derecho a la Educación (Foro) has provided space for diverse organizations to collaborate around issues on the right to education in Chile. In 2013 it campaigned for the rights of children with disability and provided key research support on a 2014 Alternative Report, which focused on privatization and inequality in the Chilean education system and was submitted to the 54th session of the UN Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights.

Global Campaign for Education

GCE logoThe Global Campaign for Education (GCE) is a civil society movement that promotes and defends education as a basic human right. Founded in 1999 and growing to over 100 national and regional education coalitions and international organisations, GCE campaigns and advocates at the international, regional, and national level to put pressure on governments and the international community to deliver the right of everyone to a free, quality, public education.

Global Campaign for Education-US

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Founded in 2003, the Global Campaign for Education, U.S. Chapter is a broad-based coalition of more than 80 U.S. organizations dedicated to ensuring universal access to a quality education. Its mission is to promote education as a basic human right and mobilize to create political will in the United States and internationally to ensure universal quality education. In 2015, GCE-US supported the launch of the bipartisan International Basic Education Caucus.



HakiElimu has worked since 2001 to see an open, just, and democratic Tanzania, where all people enjoy the right to education that promotes equity, creativity, and critical thinking. It has extensive experience in government engagement, including being instrumental in the 2015 Education and Training Policy. Since 2008, HakiElimu has conducted the Open Budget Survey, using its findings to advocate for greater budget transparency.

Initiative for Social and Economic Rights

ISER logoInitiative for Social and Economic Rights (ISER) is an independent, not-for-profit human rights organization responsible for promoting the effective understanding, monitoring, implementation, and realization of economic and social rights in Uganda. They seek to promote the effective understanding, monitoring, implementation, and realization of economic and social rights in Uganda. 

Network for Education Watch Indonesia

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The Network for Education Watch (NEW) Indonesia, established in 2010 is a coalition of 20 organizations with the vision of promoting the implementation of at least 12 year of formal education, non-formal education for strengthening skills, and ensuring the quality of education. NEW Indonesia conducts research, writes policy briefs, and develops tools that can be used in advocacy of education in Indonesia. NEW Indonesia’s achievements include the realization of a judicial review of the National Education Act to ensure a 12-year education plan.

Pakistan Coalition for Education

PCE LogoPakistan Coalition for Education (PCE) was formed in 2005 to provide a platform for civil society through which they can address key issues on policy advocacy and bridge the gap between policymakers and civil society. The organization was formed for the development and implementation of policy in the context of free and quality education for all. PCE is legally registered as the Society for Access to Quality Education (SAQE) in 2010. It is a staunch supporter of evidence-based policy advocacy, community awareness, and mobilization.

Regroupement Education pour Toute/Tous

REPT is a membership organization representing formal education, pre-school, primary, and secondary education, technical and vocational training, and non-formal education in literacy, women's rights, community education, youth engagement, and union training. They work with government officials, engage the general population on education advocacy, and participate in decision-making with various policymakers.

RESULTS Australia

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Since 1986, RESULTS Australia has been campaigning to generate the public and political will to end global poverty. In recent years, the Australian Government has acted on many of RESULTS' campaigns including implementing new initiatives in global health, education, and microfinance.


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RESULTS Canada is a global movement of passionate citizens, committed to raising their voices for a world without extreme poverty. They combine the voices of grassroots advocates with strategic advocacy efforts to leverage millions of dollars for programs and improved policies that give the world’s poorest people the health, education, and opportunity they need to thrive.


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RESULTS Korea began operating in 2013, with its legal status granted in July, 2015. Prior to the World Education Forum of 2015, RESULTS Korea participated in five preparation meetings and advocated for the Korea government to increase its funding for primary education.



Established in 1986, RESULTS UK is a movement of passionate, committed, everyday people who use their voices to change the world. In 2014, RESULTS, successfully campaigned for the UK Government to make a leading pledge to the Global Partnership for Education for 2015-18 – the UK’s pledge of up to £300 million was the highest commitment by any donor.

Right to Education Initiative

RTE logoThe Right to Education Initiative (RTE) is a global human rights organisation focusing on the right to education. Established in 2000, RTE promotes education as a human right, making international and national law accessible to everybody. RTE conducts research and legal analysis and develops tools and guides to help understand and effectively use human rights mechanisms to claim and enforce the right to education. 

Teacher Creativity Center

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Established in 1995 by a group of primary and secondary school teachers working in public, private, and United Nation Relief and Work Agency schools in Palestine, Teacher Creativity Center (TCC) works to promote access of Palestinian children and youth to quality education. TCC works to develop the national education sector’s role to become more adherent to community development concerns and more contributive to creating an informed and active citizenry, promoting respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, as well as advancing mutual understanding, tolerance, and friendship with all nations and all racial, ethnic, or religious groups.

World Vision

WV logo.pngWorld Vision is a Christian relief, development and advocacy organisation dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities to reach their full potential by tackling the root causes of poverty and injustice. World Vision serves all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender. Founded in 1950, World Vision currently works in nearly 100 countries with 37,000 staff worldwide.