Anjela Teneja, Assidiqiyah School

After a competitive applications process, fifteen civil society organisations from countries across the globe have been selected to partner with RTEI to conduct research on the status of the right to education in their country. The fifteen partners are:

  1. Brazil – Brazilian Campaign for the Right to Education
  2. Democratic Republic of Congo – Coalition Nationale de l’éducation Pour Tous (CONEPT/RDC)
  3. Ethiopia – Basic Education Network Ethiopia (BEN-E)
  4. Haiti – Regroupement Education pour Toutes et Pour Tous (REPT)
  5. Honduras – Foro Dakar
  6. Indonesia – Network for Education Watch (NEW)
  7. Kenya – ElimuYetu Coalition
  8. Palestine – Teacher Creativity Center (TCC)
  9. Philippines – Civil Society Network for Education Reforms (E-Net)
  10. Sierra Leone – Education For All Sierra Leone
  11. Tanzania – HakiElimu
  12. Uganda – Initiative for Social and Economic Rights (ISER)
  13. United Kingdom – RESULTS UK
  14. United States – Global Campaign for Education-US (GCE-US)
  15. Zimbabwe – Education Coalition of Zimbabwe (ECOZI)

Research partners will collect data to monitor their country’s satisfaction of the right to education from September to October 2021. In early 2022 the results will be shared after undergoing peer and government reviews. In March 2022, partners will publish country briefs analysing their findings and making evidence-informed policy recommendations to inform in-country advocacy.

RTEI 2021 builds on previous research rounds in 2015, 2016, and 2018, in which we have supported 21 partners to collect vital information on the right to education. This year’s iteration is timely given the impact of school closures due to COVID-19 on various aspects of the right to education, which need to be understood and measured so that governments are able to mitigate the negative consequences that 90% of the world’s learners have faced.

We look forward to partnering with the 2021 cohort and would like to thank all the impressive organisations that applied. We hope to collaborate with even more partners in future research rounds.