Students of Hidassie School, Addis Ababa

Students of Hidassie School, Addis Ababa. Photo credit: GPE/Midastouch

RESULTS Educational Fund is excited to announce the call for proposals for the upcoming 2019 round of RTEI advocacy. RESULTS Educational fund is requesting two types of proposals/applications from RTEI civil society partners: (1) proposals from in-country partners in the Global South to develop and implement in-country advocacy strategies based on RTEI 2018 findings and (2) applications from RTEI partners to provide additional support to selected in-country advocacy strategies based on their expertise on the related issue area, country context, or advocacy tactic. All advocacy activities should be conducted from February to September 2019.

In-Country Advocacy Partners

In-country advocacy proposals should seek to carry forward targeted advocacy around one or two of the most nationally relevant RTEI 2018 findings. Proposals may strategically build on partners’ existing work or upcoming campaign areas.

Partners should choose the issue area of their advocacy strategy based on RTEI 2018 findings and their national contexts. Partners should also choose the strategic approaches most suitable for that issue and their contexts. RESULTS Educational Fund and its partners are additionally positioned to best support strategies with the following example tactics:

  • Parliamentary, media, and citizen engagement around national education policies
  • Engagement of education sector planning and review processes
  • Engagement of education development programs
  • UN Committee and SDG shadow reporting

RTEI partners may propose other strategies or a combination of the above tactics. One to four proposals will be selected, funding permitting. The selection process will further seek commonalities across in-country advocacy strategies to achieve more coordinated campaign efforts (e.g., all advocacy strategies working on a common issue area such as the costs of education or girls’ education, or using a common advocacy approach such as engaging education sector planning or World Bank/GPE education projects). In this regard, in-country advocacy applicants may coordinate with each other to develop joint or linked proposals, though it is not required.

Global Advocacy Partners

Selected in-country advocacy strategies may additionally be supported by RTEI partners with particular expertise on the related issue area, country context, or advocacy tactic. For example, in 2017 the Global Campaign for Education, RESULTS Canada, RESULTS UK, and the Right to Education Initiative collaborated with various RTEI in-country advocacy partners around their strategies and tactics.

Preferred characteristics of prospective global advocacy partners include:

  • Dedication to the right to education and history of engagement on education issues.
  • Advocacy experience with government officials, bilateral/multilateral aid projects, or global governance structures around education issues.
  • Interest and willingness to support advocacy around specific issue areas (e.g., costs of education, girls’ education, children with disabilities), advocacy targets (e.g., education sector planning, World Bank/GPE project development, UN Committee reporting, parliamentary/citizen/media engagement), or specific country contexts.

The selection process will seek to match global advocacy partner strengths and expertise to selected in-country advocacy strategies. Upon selection, global advocacy partners will develop more specific terms of reference defining objectives and activities in relation to selected in-country advocacy strategies.


  • February: Initiation of strategy
  • May: Midterm status update (templates will be provided)
  • September: Completion of strategy
  • October: Final report (templates will be provided)


In-country advocacy applicants must be current RTEI 2018 partners based in the Global South.

Global advocacy applicants may be any non-profit, non-governmental, or charitable organization. This includes international and Northern NGOs and civil society organizations, RTEI 2018 partners based in the Global North, and RTEI 2018 partners based in the Global South (who may be interested in supporting in-country advocacy strategies other than their own).

Funding Support

Selected in-country advocacy partners will be supported with up to USD $20,000 disbursed in two installments, one at the beginning of the project and one in May 2019 upon successful completion of a midterm status update.

Selected global advocacy partners will be supported with up to USD $5,000 disbursed in two installments, one in May 2019 upon successful completion of a midterm status update and one in September 2019 upon successful completion of the advocacy activities.

All funds must be spent within the grant period of February 1, 2019 to September 30, 2019.

How to Apply

Organizations interested in submitting in-country advocacy proposals should complete the RTEI 2019 In-Country Advocacy Proposal Form and RTEI 2019 In-Country Advocacy Budget Template and submit them to by Friday, December 14, 2018. Please put “RTEI 2019 In-Country Advocacy Proposal” in the email subject line.

Organizations interested in submitting applications to be an RTEI 2019 Global Advocacy partner should complete the RTEI 2019 Global Advocacy Application Form and submit them to by Friday, December 14, 2018. Please put “RTEI 2019 Global Advocacy Application” in the email subject line.

Selected organizations will be notified by Thursday, January 31, 2019.

For more information, please refer to the full Call for Proposals