
RESULTS Educational Fund has opened the call for applications for civil society organizations to be part of the 2018 research round of the Right to Education Index (RTEI). RTEI is a global accountability initiative that aims to ensure that all people, no matter where they live, enjoy their right to a quality education. It is a global index built out of the international right to education framework designed to monitor and drive national progress towards its fulfillment.

Partners gather the information required to construct RTEI and use those findings to hold governments accountable to their commitments and increase public and political support towards the realization of the right to education. The core of the partnership is around completing the RTEI Questionnaire and developing country briefs based on the findings. More information on RTEI, including the RTEI 2016 Report and Questionnaire, can be found here. A revised Questionnaire will be used for RTEI 2018 and will be made available to partners ahead of data collection. RESULTS Educational Fund seeks to conduct RTEI in 25 countries in 2018.

Partner Organization Responsibilities

  • Review RTEI Questionnaire, complete RTEI e-course, and attend two-hour remote training to prepare for questionnaire completion.
  • Provide names and contact information of five in-country research organizations or education experts who can act as peer reviewers of the completed questionnaire by February 21.
  • Provide names, contact information, and consent to reach out to Ministry of Education officials by February 21.
  • Submit completed RTEI Questionnaire with supporting sources and documents by April 30.
  • Produce country brief by November 15. The brief should be in the form of a 2-4-page analysis using RTEI findings to highlight the issues most relevant to your country and your organization. The brief should be public in nature for partner use in national advocacy and will be posted on the RESULTS/RTEI website.
  • Complete feedback form documenting challenges faced in completing the RTEI Questionnaire to strengthen the process in future rounds.


Partner organizations must be able to provide proof of legal status to operate in their country as a non-profit, non-governmental, or charitable organization. Organizations from all geographies are eligible.

Funding Support

RESULTS Educational Fund (REF) will provide USD $3,500 for RTEI partners to fulfill the above responsibilities. Funds will be administered in two parts and aligned with partner deliverables.


  • January 31, 2018: Partner organizations informed of selection. Partner organizations receive RTEI Questionnaire, materials, and e-course.
  • February 21, 2018: Partner organizations participate in a two-hour training call. (Time, to be determined)
  • March 1 – April 30, 2018: Partner organizations complete RTEI Questionnaire.
  • May 2018: RESULTS Educational Fund reviews results and works with partner organizations to finalize submitted answers.
  • June 15 – July 15, 2018: Submitted answers are sent out for anonymous peer and government review.
  • October 2018: Final results shared with all partners.
  • November 15, 2018: Partner organizations submit country briefs.

Full Details

The complete call for applications can be found here. Similar details can also be found on the RESULTS website and RTEI website.

How to Apply

Interested partners should review the full Call for Applications, complete the RTEI 2018 Partner Application Form, and submit them to by Wednesday, December 13, 2017. Please put "RTEI 2018 Application" in the email subject line.

Deadline: Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Notification of Partnership Decisions: Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Questions or Comments: Please send questions or comments to