By Ally Krupar and Mili Lechleiter

After receiving RTEI 2016 data from our 15 country partners, RESULTS Educational Fund invited ten partners from the Global South to submit proposals to implement in-country advocacy strategies in 2017 around RTEI 2016 findings. All ten RTEI Southern partners submitted proposals for the five openings. After careful review by RESULTS staff, Affiliates, and RTEI Advisory Group members, the RTEI team is pleased to announce the five RTEI 2017 Advocacy Partners:

  • Honduras -  Foro Dakar will focus on national education sector planning, discrimination, and monitoring progress towards SDG 4. Working with the media, radio, teachers’ groups, and policy makers, the project aims to increase citizen engagement and education monitoring, particularly by building an electronic platform monitoring SDG 4.

  • Indonesia - New Indonesia will implement strategies focused on increasing teacher training and improving national training programs related to inclusive education to further the right to education for children with disabilities 

  • Palestine - Teacher Creativity Center (TCC) will measure progress towards SDG 4 through shadow reporting to UNESCO, the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to education, the Ministry of Education in Palestine, and local media. TCC will also conduct a national awareness campaign focusing on the right to education in Palestine, public budgeting, and national education implementation plans.

  • Tanzania - HakiElimu will focus advocacy on evidence-based policies that promote girls’ education, inclusive, and quality education.  Actions will include radio and TV broadcasts, parliamentary engagement, and local public dialogues.

  • Zimbabwe - Education Coalition of Zimbabwe (ECOZI) will work to abolish corporal punishment in Zimbabwe through crafting and disseminating an alternative policy on positive discipline in schools, training Parliamentarians on corporal punishment issues, and submitting policy recommendations on corporal punishment and free education.

Each of the partner will receive a grant of $20,000 to implement these advocacy strategies in 2017. Additionally, advocacy partners are paired with RTEI Global Partners to facilitate knowledge sharing and global network building around the right to education. RTEI Global Partners include the Global Campaign for Education, Education InternationalRESULTS International Australia, RESULTS Canada, RESULTS UK, and the Right to Education Project.

Be on the lookout for in-country advocacy updates from our partners posted on our blog. 

We are looking forward to a year of collaboration, advocacy, and furthering the right to education for all!