News Coverage
RTEI 2017 Partners' Meeting News
- Indonesian education index lower than Philippines, Ethiopia, The Jakarta Post, by NewsDesk
- Ini 3 Isu Utama Pendidikan di Indonesia, Republika News, Umi Nur Fadhilah/ Red: Andi Nur Aminah
- JPPI: Indeks Pendidikan Indonesia di Bawah Ethiopia dan Filipina, Detik News, by Cici Marlina Rahayu
- NEW Indonesia documented their RTEI report launch in videos: International seminar and report launch: Right to Education Index (RTEI) 2016 and here.
Partner updates
- The Right to Education, RESULTS UK, by Callum Northcote
Community updates
- The Right to Education Index: Using open data for research and advocacy to address human rights, Open Knowledge International Blog, by Ally Krupar