A child labor-free Philippines



The Philippine Program Against Child Labor (PPACL) works to transform the lives of child laborers, their families, and communities, towards their sense of self-worth, empowerment and development.

The PPACL, a network of mutually enabling social partners, works towards the prevention and progressive elimination of child labor through protection, withdrawal, healing and reintegration of child workers into a caring society.



The Philippine Program Against Child Labor is guided by the following development principles:

  • Child-focused action
  • Rights-based approach
  • Results-based management
  • Gender-responsiveness
  • Cultural sensitivity
  • Sustainable development
  • Children and youth participation
  • Good governance
  • Decent work for all
  • Community development
  • Inter-agency collaboration


  1. Functional multi-level information system established
    1. Regularly updated and reliable database system on child labor in all regions maintained
    2. A national child labor monitoring system installed
    3. DOLE as knowledge management catalyst instituted
      1. Best practices documented, replicated and continuously improved
      2. Research agenda developed with partners
      3. Sharing of resources and expertise among social partners facilitated
    4. Studies on child labor by partners and stakeholders conducted and results shared among them
  2. Strategic partnership institutionalized and advocacy and action at all levels intensified
    1. Proactive and responsive National Child Labor Committee institutionalized
    2. Roles and specific functions of PPACL partners from the national to the community level identified and clarified
    3. Mechanisms for harnessing and nurturing partnerships strengthened
    4. Child rights advocacy broadened and linked to gender, migration, trafficking, and peace-building concerns
    5. Relationships with and among local governments strengthened
    6. Partnerships between duty bearers and claim holders transformed towards leadership and accountability for child labor
    7. Capacity of all stakeholders, social partners and service providers (especially on accountability, children and youth participation) improved
    8. Community action against child labor sustained
      1. A critical mass of mission-oriented anti-child labor advocates with attitudinal and value changes towards the elimination of child labor developed
      2. Meaningful participation of children, community and other sectors in advocacy and action on child labor ensured; children’s participation prioritized, recognized and facilitated
      3. Application of child-focused and rights-based advocacy for working children strengthened
    9. Partnership with international development organizations and the private sector sustained
  3. Access to quality and integrated services improved
    1. Child-sensitive and effective approaches in dealing with child workers utilized by duty-bearers
      1. Parents and families of child laborers involved in activities that help eliminate child labor
      2. Children’s rights upheld by teachers, social workers, health care providers, law enforcers, prosecutors, and other frontline caregivers
    2. Comprehensive public services and improved governance, particularly in education, health and employment, effectively and efficiently delivered
    3. Quality education services provided
      1. Gender responsive, rights-based, child centered, context-specific and culturally appropriate curricula applied
      2. Teachers and learning providers sensitized on child labor issues and concerns in the curriculum
      3. Regular and sustained educational assistance provided by different social partners to child laborers and children-at-risk provided
      4. Rights-based values education propagated
      5. Enrollment, participation, cohort and completion rates increased
      6. Access to the different alternative learning system and modalities increased
    4. Children and youth mobilized to support child workers in their studies
    5. Quality health services provided
      1. Provision of health services for child laborers and children-at-risk increased or widely spread
      2. Information and skills in recognizing and eliminating workplace hazards provided to employers and service providers
      3. Employers and workers groups mobilized to provide health and medical services
    6. Healing and reintegration services, with support from local chief executives and the community strengthened and sustained
      1. Temporary shelters for children withdrawn from the worst forms of child labor provided
      2. Specialized healing centers for child laborers established
      3. Children withdrawn from worst forms of child labor regularly monitored; mechanisms for post-rescue monitoring at all levels improved and coordinated
    7. Access to decent work opportunities for families and communities of child laborers improved
      1. Skills training for parents and other adult family members of children laborers that are appropriate and responsive to community needs and resources imparted
      2. Access to economic alternatives through social entrepreneurship increased
      3. Public and private partnerships developed to build on economic opportunities and expand market reach
      4. Linkages among investments, livelihood training programs and employment opportunities developed
  4. Child labor agenda in development policies and programs at all levels mainstreamed
    1. Pro-active and responsive governance structures at all levels to eliminate child labor established
      1. Child-centered policies and programs in development plans and annual investment plans at national and local levels (e.g., implementation, budget, public support) institutionalized
      2. Results-based management system and mechanisms for the implementation of anti-child labor programs, including preventive action instituted
    1. Economic policies and programs that generate local employment and improve productivity intensively implemented
  5. Enforcement and compliance with relevant laws and policies strengthened
    1. Core laborstandards and related laws that protect working children strongly enforced
      1. Capacities of law enforcers and other implementers to effectively utilize and enforce anti-child labor laws and related instruments strengthened
      2. Protective mechanism addressing trafficking and migration reinforced
      3. Laws on child labor (RA 9231, RA 9208, RA 9155) and local ordinances disseminated to communities and other affected sectors
    2. National laws and local ordinances promulgated and enforced; anti-child labor laws and related instruments reviewed and strengthened
    3. Organizing/strengthening and allocation of resources for the Barangay Councils for the Protection of Children and Sagip Batang Manggagawa Quick Action Teams intensified


This Strategic Framework represents the ideas and goals of social partners committed to the movement against child labor, through their participation in Strategic Planning Workshops for the Philippine Program Against Child Labor for 2007-2015.

July - August 2007




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