• Specific Year


Table of Provisions

PART 1 -- Preliminary  

  • 1 Short title
  • 2 Commencement
  • 3 Terms used
  • 4 Presumptions of parentage
  • 5 Status of notes

PART 2 -- Objects and principles

Division 1 -- Objects  

  • 6 Objects

Division 2 -- General principles relating to children  

  • 7 Best interests of child are paramount consideration
  • 8 Determining best interests of child
  • 9 Principles to be observed
  • 10 Principle of child participation

Division 3 -- Principles relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children  

  • 11 Relationship with principles in Division 2
  • 12 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child placement principle
  • 13 Principle of self-determination
  • 14 Principle of community participation

PART 3 -- Administrative matters

Division 1 -- The Minister  

  • 15 Agreements in respect of social services
  • 16 Delegation by Minister

Division 2 -- The Children and Community Services Ministerial Body  

  • 17 Term used: Ministerial Body
  • 18 Children and Community Services Ministerial Body
  • 19 Purpose and nature of Ministerial Body
  • 20 Execution of documents by Ministerial Body

Division 3 -- The CEO  

  • 21 Functions of CEO
  • 22 Cooperation and assistance
  • 23 CEO etc. may disclose or request relevant information
  • 24A Power of CEO to obtain copies of certain reports from CEO (Corrective Services)
  • 24 Delegation by CEO

Division 4 -- Authorised officers  

  • 25 Designation of authorised officers
  • 26 Identity cards

Division 5 -- Advisory bodies  

  • 27 Establishment of advisory bodies

Division 6 -- Information sharing  

  • 28A Terms used
  • 28B Disclosure of information by prescribed authority or authorised entity
  • 28C Delegation of powers under s. 28B

PART 4 -- Protection and care of children

Division 1 -- Introductory matters  

  • 28 When child in need of protection
  • 29 Provisional protection and care, meaning and effect of
  • 30 When child is in CEO’s care

Division 2 -- Measures to safeguard or promote child’s wellbeing

Subdivision 1 -- General powers and duties of CEO  
  • 31 CEO may cause inquiries to be made about child
  • 32 CEO’s duties if action needed to safeguard etc. child’s wellbeing
  • 33A CEO may cause inquiries to be made before child is born
  • 33B CEO’s duties if action needed before child born to safeguard etc. child after birth
  • Subdivision 2 -- Powers relating to investigation  
  • 33 Access to child for purposes of investigation
  • 34 Warrant (access), application for and issue of
  • Subdivision 3 -- Provisional protection and care  
  • 35 Warrant (provisional protection and care), application for and issue of
  • 36 CEO’s duty if child taken into provisional protection and care under warrant
  • 37 Taking child into provisional protection and care without warrant in certain circumstances
  • 38 CEO’s duties etc. if child taken into provisional protection and care without warrant
  • 39 Provisional care plans, preparation etc. of
  • Subdivision 4 -- Other powers  
  • 40 Power to keep child under 6 years of age in hospital
  • 41 Power to move child to safe place

Division 3 -- Protection orders

Subdivision 1 -- Introductory matters  
  • 42 Terms used
  • 43 Term used: protection order
  • Subdivision 2 -- Applications for, and making of, protection orders  
  • 44 Application for protection order
  • 45 Court may make protection order
  • 46 No order principle
  • Subdivision 3 -- Protection orders (supervision)  
  • 47 Protection order (supervision)
  • 48 Duration of protection order (supervision)
  • 49 Extension of protection order (supervision)
  • 50 Conditions of protection order (supervision)
  • 51 Variation of conditions of protection order (supervision)
  • 52 Access to child by authorised officer while protection order (supervision) in force
  • 53 Provision of social services
  • Subdivision 4 -- Protection orders (time-limited)  
  • 54 Protection order (time-limited)
  • 55 Duration of protection order (time-limited)
  • 56 Extension of protection order (time-limited)
  • Subdivision 5 -- Protection orders (until 18)  
  • 57 Protection order (until 18)
  • 58 Restriction on making protection order (until 18)
  • 59 Duration of protection order (until 18)
  • Subdivision 6 -- Protection orders (special guardianship)  
  • 60 Protection order (special guardianship)
  • 61 Restriction on making protection order (special guardianship)
  • 62 Duration of protection order (special guardianship)
  • 63 Conditions of protection order (special guardianship)
  • 64 Variation of conditions
  • 65 Court may order payments to special guardian
  • 66 Provision of social services
  • Subdivision 7 -- Revocation and replacement of protection orders  
  • 67 Revocation of protection order
  • 68 Replacement of protection order: application by CEO
  • 69A Replacement of protection order (time-limited) or protection order (until 18): application by carer
  • Subdivision 8 -- General  
  • 69 Applications for extension, variation, revocation or replacement of protection orders
  • 70 Form of protection order
  • 71 Child’s date of birth
  • 72 Parties to proceedings to be given copy of protection order
  • 73 Maintenance of children under certain orders

Division 4 -- Negotiated placement  

  • 74 Term used: child
  • 75 Negotiated placement agreement
  • 76 Duration of negotiated placement agreement
  • 77 Termination of negotiated placement agreement

Division 5 -- Children in the CEO’s care

Subdivision 1 -- Charter of Rights  
  • 78 Preparation etc. of Charter of Rights
  • Subdivision 2 -- Placement arrangements  
  • 79 CEO may arrange placement of child
  • 80 Guidelines for placement of certain children
  • 81 Consultation before placement of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander child
  • 82 Payment for care under placement arrangement
  • 83 Inspection of place where child living
  • 84 Authorised officer may require person to hand over child
  • 85 Warrant (apprehension) where child not handed over
  • 86 Warrant (apprehension) where child absent or taken without authority
  • 87 Apprehension without warrant in certain circumstances
  • Subdivision 3A -- Secure care arrangements  
  • 88A Terms used
  • 88B Secure care facilities
  • 88C Secure care arrangements for certain children
  • 88D Period in secure care facility
  • 88E Continuation order required for certain provisionally protected children
  • 88F CEO to decide secure care period for protected child
  • 88G Reconsideration of certain decisions as to protected child
  • 88H Review of CEO’s decision
  • 88I Requirements for care plan or provisional care plan
  • 88J Apprehension without warrant of child absent from secure care facility
  • Subdivision 3 -- Care plans  
  • 88 Term used: parent
  • 89 Care plans, preparation etc. of
  • 90 Review of care plan
  • Subdivision 4 -- Review of certain decisions  
  • 91 Terms used
  • 92 Care plan review panel
  • 93 Initial review
  • 94 Review of CEO’s decision
  • 95 Procedure

Division 6 -- Provisions about leaving the CEO’s care  

  • 96 People who qualify for assistance
  • 97 Child’s entitlement to personal material
  • 98 Provision of social services
  • 99 Provision of assistance to obtain accommodation etc.
  • 100 Provision of financial assistance

Division 7 -- Offences

Subdivision 1 -- Children generally  
  • 101 Failing to protect child from harm
  • 102 Leaving child unsupervised in vehicle
  • 103 Tattooing or branding
  • 104A Body piercing
  • 104 Providing long-term care for young children
  • Subdivision 2 -- Children under placement arrangements or secure care arrangements  
  • 105 Terms used
  • 106 Removing child from State
  • 107 Removing child from place of residence
  • 108 Harbouring child absent from place of residence
  • 109 Preventing child’s return to place of residence
  • 110 CEO may prohibit communication with child
  • 111 Evidentiary provision

Division 8 -- Powers of restraint, search and seizure  

  • 112 Terms used
  • 113A Approving persons for purposes of this Division
  • 113 Prerequisites for exercise of power
  • 114 Child may be restrained
  • 115 Child may be searched
  • 116 Certain articles may be seized
  • 117 How seized articles to be dealt with
  • 118 Use of reasonable force
  • 119 Prescribed procedures

Division 9 -- Warrants  

  • 120 Applying for warrants
  • 121 Warrant (access), effect of
  • 122 Warrant (apprehension), effect of
  • 123 Warrant (provisional protection and care), effect of
  • 124 Execution of warrant

Division 9A -- Reporting sexual abuse of children  

  • 124A Terms used
  • 124B Duty of certain people to report sexual abuse of children
  • 124C Reports under s. 124B, form and content of
  • 124D CEO to give copies of reports under s. 124B to police
  • 124E Time limit for prosecuting offences under s. 124B and 124C
  • 124F Confidentiality of reporter’s identity
  • 124G Evidence and legal proceedings
  • 124H Orders, leave of courts etc. under s. 124F or 124G

Division 10 -- General  

  • 125A Assessors, appointment and functions of
  • 125B Identity cards for assessors
  • 125 Access to child, meaning of
  • 126 Recovery of certain expenditure
  • 127 CEO may give consent in lieu of parent in some cases
  • 128 Records of children in CEO’s care to be kept
  • 129 Protection from liability for giving information
  • 130 General powers of police officers not affected

PART 5A -- Responsible parenting agreements  

  • 131A Terms used
  • 131B Principle to be observed in administration of this Part
  • 131C Responsible parenting agreements
  • 131D Entering into responsible parenting agreement
  • 131E Content of responsible parenting agreement
  • 131F Formal requirements
  • 131G Effect of responsible parenting agreement
  • 131H Delegation by CEO (Corrective Services) and CEO (Education)

PART 5 -- Protection proceedings

Division 1 -- Terms used in this Part  

  • 131 Terms used

Division 2 -- Adjournment and interim orders  

  • 132 Adjournment of proceedings
  • 133 Interim orders
  • 134A Interim orders (secure care)
  • 134 Variation or revocation of interim order
  • 135 Access to child by authorised officer while interim order in force

Division 3A -- Orders for determination of parentage  

  • 136A Terms used
  • 136B Orders requiring person to give evidence
  • 136C Parentage testing orders
  • 136D Orders associated with parentage testing orders
  • 136E Adult contravening s. 136D order, consequences of
  • 136F Procedure etc. ordered for child, parental consent needed in some cases, consequences of refusing to consent
  • 136G No liability if parent or CEO consents
  • 136H Parentage testing procedures, conduct of etc.
  • 136I Results of parentage testing procedures admissible in protection proceedings

Division 3 -- Pre-hearing conferences  

  • 136 Court may order pre-hearing conference
  • 137 Confidentiality of pre-hearing conference

Division 4 -- Reports about child  

  • 138 Term used: report
  • 139 Court may require report
  • 140 Access to written report
  • 141 Confidentiality of report
  • 142 Protection from liability for preparing or giving report

Division 5 -- Proposals about arrangements for child  

  • 143 CEO to provide Court with proposal for child
  • 144 Court to consider proposal

Division 6 -- Procedural matters  

  • 145 Conduct of protection proceedings generally
  • 146 Court not bound by rules of evidence
  • 147 Parties to protection proceedings
  • 148 Legal representation of child
  • 149 Presence of child in court
  • 150 Evidence of child
  • 151 Standard of proof
  • 152 Intervention by Attorney General
  • 153 Court to facilitate party’s participation in proceedings
  • 154 Court may dispense with requirement for service
  • 155 Frivolous or vexatious proceedings

PART 6 -- Transfer of child protection orders and proceedings

Division 1 -- Introductory matters  

  • 156 Purpose of PART
  • 157 Terms used

Division 2 -- Transfer of child protection orders

Subdivision 1 -- Administrative transfers  
  • 158 When CEO may transfer home order
  • 159 Persons whose consent is required under s. 158(1)(d)
  • 160 CEO to have regard to certain matters
  • 161 Notification of decision to transfer
  • 162 Judicial review of CEO’s decision
  • 163 Review by State Administrative Tribunal
  • Subdivision 2 -- Judicial transfers  
  • 164 When Court may transfer home order
  • 165 Service of application under s. 164
  • 166 Court to have regard to certain matters
  • 167 Proposed interstate orders, terms of
  • 168 Court not to make s. 164 order without report from CEO
  • 169 Appeals

Division 3 -- Transfer of child protection proceedings  

  • 170 When Court may transfer child protection proceeding
  • 171 Service of application under s. 170
  • 172 Court to have regard to certain matters
  • 173 Interim order
  • 174 Appeals

Division 4 -- Registration  

  • 175 Filing interstate orders in Court
  • 176 Registering interstate orders
  • 177 Notification by registrar of Court
  • 178 Effect of registration
  • 179 Revocation of registration

Division 5 -- General  

  • 180 Legal representation of child
  • 181 Effect of registration of transferred order
  • 182 Transfer of Court file
  • 183 Hearing and determination of transferred proceeding
  • 184 Disclosure of information
  • 185 Discretion of CEO to consent to transfer
  • 186 Evidence of consent of relevant interstate officer
  • 187 Offence to remove certain children from where they live

PART 7 -- Employment of children  

  • 188 Terms used
  • 189 School Education Act 1999 not affected
  • 190 Child under 15 not to be employed in business etc.
  • 191 Exceptions to s. 190
  • 192 Children not to be employed to perform in indecent manner etc.
  • 193 CEO may prohibit or limit employment of child
  • 194A CEO may prohibit or limit employment of children in particular business or place
  • 194 False information to employers etc.
  • 195 Powers of authorised officers
  • 196 Role of industrial inspectors and industrial magistrate’s courts

PART 9 -- Provision of financial or other assistance  

  • 233 CEO may provide financial or other assistance
  • 234 CEO may assist with funeral expenses
  • 235 Application for assistance
  • 236 Recovery of overpayments in certain circumstances

PART 10 -- Confidentiality provisions  

  • 237 Restriction on publication of certain information or material
  • 238 Production of departmental records in legal proceedings
  • 239 Objection to disclosure of certain information during legal proceedings
  • 240 Restrictions on disclosing notifier’s identity
  • 241 Restrictions on disclosing information obtained under this Act

PART 11 -- Other matters  

  • 242A CEO to notify Ombudsman of certain deaths of children
  • 242 Obstruction
  • 243 Impersonating assessor or authorised officer
  • 244 False information in applications etc.
  • 245 Legal proceedings, commencement of
  • 246 Protection from liability for wrongdoing
  • 247 Effect of provision requiring document to be given to particular person or child
  • 248 Regulations
  • 249 Review of Act
  • 250 Repeal, transitional and savings provisions
