Federal Ministry of Education


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Professor Ruqayyatu Ahmed Rufa’i, OON
HonourableMinister of Education

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Federal Ministry of Education

  1. 1. TRANSFORMINGTHE EDUCATION SECTOR:Mid-Term MilestonesPresentation at theMinisterial Platform to Commemoratethe Mid-Term Anniversary ofPresident Goodluck Ebele Jonathan’s AdministrationByProfessor Ruqayyatu Ahmed Rufa’i, OONHonourable Minister of EducationJune 13, 2013
  2. 2. Highlight the key achievements and milestones in theEducation sector at the Mid-Term of President GoodluckEbele Jonathan’s Administration – May 2011-May 2013Objectives of Presentation
  3. 3.  The Transformation Agenda of the Administrationunder President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, GCFR: Based on set of priorities and programmes ofgovernment Aims at transforming the Nigerian economy to meetfuture needs of the Nigerian people Emphasis: the 3 ‘C’s – Continuity, Consistency andCommitment Key Component: Education and Human CapitalDevelopmentThe Transformation Agenda
  4. 4. A co-ordinated approach adopted byIdentifying major challenges andAddressing the challengesActualizing the Education Component
  5. 5. Development of the 4-Year StrategicPlan
  6. 6.  The Plan supports the actualization of the TransformationAgenda Has six (6) focal areas: The 2 Strategic goals of Nigeria Education:1. Access 2. QualityAnd the 4 other issues to be addressed to achieve the goals:3. Strengthening the Institutional Management of Education4. Teacher Education and Development5. Technical and Vocational Education & Training and6. Funding, Partnerships, Resource Mobilization & UtilizationThe 4-Year Strategic Plan for the Development ofthe Education Sector: 2011-2015
  7. 7. Key Achievements in theImplementation of theStrategic Plan
  8. 8. Needs Assessment Needs Assessment carried out in PublicUniversities (Federal and State) andFederal Unity Colleges Assess staff and student population inrelation to facilities Identify areas of pressure Explore use of resources Inventory of physical facilities andlearning resources Recommendations for InterventionBased on the Report approved forimplementation by Mr. President willinvolve commitment of over N100billion to further development in ourUniversities
  9. 9.  Hosted the Presidential Summit on Education Produced the Presidential Task Team on EducationReport Leading interaction with the Global Business Coalitionfor Education and UN Global Ambassador forEducation on Interventions to benefit Nigerian States Set up Government-Private Sector Committee toenhance Technical and Vocational Education Engagement with political leaders (governors) toensure greater commitment to educationMr. President’s Lead in theTransformation of Education
  10. 10. Federal Ministry of Education Budgetary Allocation – 2010-2013Year Allocation (N billion)2010 234.82011 356.42012 409.52013 426.5Increase in Funding of Education
  11. 11. Disbursement of FGN-Intervention Funds toStates by the Universal Basic EducationCommission (UBEC) – 2010-2012Fund Value (N)UBE Matching Grant 86,885,101,490Education Imbalance Fund 22,564,933,276Special Education Fund 1,963,861,476Good Performance Funds 5,459,724,221Teacher Professional Development Fund 13,211,398,189Instructional Materials Fund 26,940,958,436TOTAL 136,717,547,088
  12. 12. Disbursement and Utilization of Funds by the Tertiary EducationTrust Fund (TETFund) – 2010-2012Benefiaries Value (N)Universities 55,740,721,000Polytechnics 36,195,431,000Colleges of Education 25,046,099,000Monotechnics 2,680,270,000Secondary School Education 25,431,784,000State Universal Basic Education Boards 35,464,612,000Library Development 6,485,279,000Staff Training & Development 24,694,164,000Tsangaya Education 3,707,760,000Research & Development 519,608,000Book Development 893,038,000Inter-University Centres 1,142,119,000Special High Impact Projects 41,142,119,000TOTAL 259,418,319,000
  13. 13. Institutionalization of EarlyChildhood Education 1-Year Early Childhood Educationinstitutionalized as part of theEducation System Each State required to have ECCEsections in public primary schoolsThe Objective is to Enhance child development atearly stages Reduce number of Out-of-Schoolchildren With about 70,000 public primaryschools in Nigeria enrolment willbe improved
  14. 14.  Almajiri Education Programme launched under threemodels: 1. Integration of Traditional Tsangaya/Quranic School 2. Model Boarding Almajiri schools Integration of basic education in established Islamiyyahand Ma’ahad Schools Mainstreams the Almajiri system into Basic Education Construction of 125 Day and Boarding Schools 80 completed 45 in final stages of completion Schools being handed over to States where they arelocatedAlmajiri Education Programme
  15. 15. Mr President Registering pupils to flagg-off the Almajiri Education Programme inSokoto
  18. 18. Kaduna State
  19. 19. Kano
  21. 21. Almajiri Model School, Sade, DarazoLGA, Bauchi State
  23. 23. Oyo State
  24. 24. Almajiri Model School, Ibeju/Lekki,Lagos
  25. 25. Access Campaign Targeting challenge of access throughlaunch of regional campaigns: North: Girl Education Programme in June2010 Almajiri Education Programme inDecember 2010 South East: Back-to-School (Boy-Child)Programme in June 2012 South-South: Nomadic fisher folkseducation programme to be launchedin 2013 South-West: Street children educationprogramme to be launched in 2013
  26. 26.  Construction of special girls schools in 13States under phase 1 Construction of Model Nomadic EducationCentres in Grazing reserves (Borno and JigawaStates) Fishing ports (Lagos and Edo States) Farm Centres/Settlements (Benue State)Promoting Access for Diverse Groups
  27. 27. Model Nomadic Centres AndCollapsible Classrooms
  28. 28. Revitalization of Adult andYouth Literacy Strategic Framework onRevitalizing Adult andYouth Literacy Developed Construction of ModelVocational TrainingCentres National VocationalQualifications Framework(NVQF) Developed
  29. 29. Model Vocational TrainingCentre, Minna
  30. 30. 2010** 2012***Primary School 18,234,323 21,947,513Junior Secondary 5,010,227 6,210,956**Source: Nigeria: Digest of Education Statistics: 2006-2010***Source: UBECWith the handing over of Almajiri Schools toStates, enrolment will increase significantly32Improved Enrolment in Basic Education
  31. 31.  12 new Federal Universities Each State of the Federation now has a FederalUniversity 9 of the Universities have started full academicactivities 3 of the Universities to commence academicactivities in 2014 Each University to specialise in areas relevant toregional challengesEstablishment of 12 New FederalUniversities
  32. 32. Lafia
  33. 33. Otuoke
  34. 34. Kashere
  35. 35. Oye-Ekiti
  36. 36. Lokoja
  37. 37. Dutse
  38. 38. Dutsin-ma
  39. 39. Ndufu-Alike
  40. 40. Wukari
  41. 41. Between 2011 and 2012, (9) ninenew private Universities werelicensed.Brought total number of privateUniversities in Nigeria to 50Encouraging Private SectorParticipation in Tertiary Education
  42. 42. Improving Access Through Technicaland Vocational Education 137 Private sector-driven Innovation Enterprise andVocational Enterprise institutions licensed Provides alternative access to higher education Promotes the development of middle-level skills Provides industry-based link to training• National Vocational Qualifications Framework (NVQF)developed• Equipping of all 25 Government Technical Colleges toemphasize Vocational Training
  43. 43. Improving Access Through Openand Distance Learning (ODL) National Open University programmes expanded toenhance enrolment to 250,000 per year 31 Programmes accredited by the National UniversitiesCommission (NUC) ODL Programmes in selected Universities (Abuja, Yola,Maiduguri, Ife, Ibadan, Lagos) being expanded to increasecapacity beyond the current 210,000 capacity Curriculum for ODL and Online courses developed incollaboration with NUC, the British Council and the OpenUniversity of the UK Flexible Skills Initiative developed by NBTE in collaborationwith Commonwealth of Learning (COL) to increase accessto TVET
  44. 44. Carrying capacity in tertiary institutionsis gradually increasingApplication/Admission into Tertiary institutions: 2010-2013 (Source: JAMB)Increase in Carrying Capacity in TertiaryInstitutionsYear Total Applications Total Admission Total Not Admitted2010 1,478,258 323,527 1,154,7312011 1,618,152 331,206 1,286,9462012 1,628,986 400,691 1,228,2952013 1,735,720 500,000+ (estimate) 1,235,72046
  45. 45. Recent establishment of newUniversitiesDevelopment of infrastructurein existing tertiary institutionsDrive to improve participation inTVETAdditional Interventions to Increase CarryingCapacity in Tertiary Institutions
  46. 46. Improving Quality ofEducation Delivery Improving Quality of Education DeliveryTargeted through Construction/Rehabilitation ofInfrastructure Provision of Teaching-Learning SupportResources Recruitment, Retention and CapacityDevelopment of Teachers at all levels
  47. 47. Construction/Rehabilitationof Infrastructure N86.7 billion available asmatching grants to Statesin between 2010-2012 tosupport infrastructuraldevelopment in BasicEducation N48.6 billion for MDGProjects from 2010-2012 Construction of 501+ blocksof classrooms under theFME/MDGs Programme inacross States of theFederationUzoigwe Primary School –Asaba – Millennium-StandardSchool with Over 40classrooms - Built with UBECMatching Grant
  48. 48. Ibeju-Lekki, Lagos
  49. 49. Shanono, Kano
  50. 50. Madobi, Daura, Katsina State
  51. 51. Ogbor Hill, Abia State
  52. 52. Ogoloma, Okrika, Rivers State
  53. 53. Ile-Oluji, Ondo State
  54. 54. Development/Rehabilitation ofInfrastructure: Federal Unity Colleges Over 300 Science andTechnical Laboratoriesrehabilitated and equippedin all 104 Federal UnityColleges – each institutionreceived $250,000 Phased rehabilitation of 24Federal Unity Colleges peryearFederal Government College,Azare
  55. 55. Federal Government Girls College,Gboko
  56. 56. Federal Government Girls College,Lejja
  57. 57. Federal Government Girls College,Zaria
  58. 58. Federal Government Girls College,Owerri
  59. 59. Federal Government Girls College,Abuloma
  60. 60. Federal Government College, Kaduna
  61. 61. Construction of 82 Libraries inthe Federal Unity Colleges Construction of 72 newlibrary buildings (62 byUBEC and 10 by TETFund)at over N5.9 billion Ensures the availability ofinformation materials tosuppor the Teaching-Learning process Encourages life-longlearning among studentsFEDERAL MINISTRY OF EDUCATION 64New Library Building – FGC, KanoNew Library Building – FGGC, Kazaure
  62. 62. Provision of Teaching-LearningResources: Books N26.9 billion provided forinstructional materials between2010-2012 in 4 core subjects forprimaries 1 and 2 as follows: English Language Mathematics Basic Science and Tech Social Studies 2,450,000 copies of “Think andDo” Science Workshop Assorted Junior Secondary librarymaterials
  63. 63. Development/Rehabilitation ofInfrastructure/Learning Resources inTertiary Institutions N72 billion granted to 42higher institutions oflearning in phases underthe High Impact Fund.Now in 4th phase 20 Universities receivedN3 billion each 12 Polytechnics receivedN1 billion each 10 Colleges of Educationreceived N1 billion eachFederal College of Education(Technical), Potiskum
  64. 64. FCE (Special) Oyo
  65. 65. FCE, Bichi
  66. 66. FCE Abeokuta
  67. 67. FCE (Technical), Akoka
  68. 68. Nigerian Universities ElectronicTeaching and Learning Platform•  First phase implemented in 12Federal and State Universities Will enhance use of ICT in theeducation process Will enable remote learningand exchange of informationamong institutions Each University has access tolocal digitized content throughthe Virtual Library Books donated to UniversityLibraries to enhance teaching-learning
  69. 69. ABU, Zaria
  70. 70. Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University,Bauchi
  71. 71. Federal University of Agriculture,Abeokuta
  72. 72. Abeokuta
  73. 73. Abeokuta
  74. 74. Abeokuta
  75. 75. Federal University of Technology,Akure
  76. 76. Modibbo Adama University ofTechnology, Yola
  77. 77. Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
  78. 78. Federal University of Technology,Minna
  79. 79. Federal University of Agriculture,Makurdi
  80. 80. University of Calabar
  81. 81. Calabar
  82. 82. Calabar
  83. 83. Calabar
  84. 84. Calabar
  85. 85. University of Abuja
  86. 86. Niger Delta University TETFundIntervention
  87. 87. Development/Rehabilitation of Laboratories atFederal and State Polytechnics N15 billion grant All 51 Federal and State Polytechnicsbenefitted from Provision of new state-of-the artlaboratories Refurbishing of existing laboratoryfacilities Training of all staff on the use of newequipment
  88. 88. Yaba College of Technology
  89. 89. Auchi Polytechnic
  90. 90. Auchi Polytechnic
  91. 91. Federal Polytechnic, Nasarawa
  92. 92. Federal Polytechnic, Bali
  93. 93. Federal Polytechnic, Damaturu
  94. 94. Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi
  95. 95. Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro
  96. 96. Federal Polytechnic, Oko
  97. 97. Construction of Micro-TeachingLaboratories in 58 Federal and StateColleges of Education at a total costof N11.6 billionMicro-Teaching Laboratories inColleges of Education
  98. 98. SUPPORTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF CENTRESOF EXCELLENCE IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYFME/World Bank STEP-B Centre of Excellence ProgrammeInstitution Subject Area Grant ($US)University of Nigeria, Nsukka Technical & VocationalEducation4,500,000University of Maiduguri Environmental Protection 5,600,000Federal University of Technology,MinnaVaccine and Drug Development 5,500,000Federal University of Technology,AkureFood Security 4,500,000University of Calabar Infectious Diseases 4,000,000Usman Dan Fodio University, Sokoto Renewable Energy 4,200,000Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife Software Engineering 5,500,000University of Lagos Multimedia & Cinematography 5,000,000Kaduna Polytechnic Mineral Resources &Metallurgical Engineering5,000,000
  99. 99. Revision of Curriculum toMeet National Objectives 9-Year Basic Curriculum reviewed to meet national educationobjectives New Senior Secondary Trade/ Entrepreneurship curriculumdeveloped with 34 Trades Minimum Academic Standards Reviewed for Undergraduateand Basic Minimum Academic Standard (BMAS) developedfor Postgraduate Courses in Universities Development of electronic Teaching-Learning materials forPolytechnics Teacher Training Curriculum Reviewed to enhance thedevelopment of quality teachers
  100. 100. Teacher Training Revised Framework for Curriculum Implementationfor NCE-Awarding Institutions Developed Curriculum Framework for Restructuring TeacherEducation Programmes Developed Framework for Academic Guidelines for a 2-yearDegree Programme in Colleges of Education has beendeveloped Professional Standards for Nigerian Teachersdeveloped National Benchmark for Post Graduate Diploma inEducation
  101. 101. Teacher Recruitment and Capacity Development 1300 Temporary PTA teachers in Federal Unity Collegesconverted to full-time employment N10 billion provided to States in 2011 and 2012 (N5 billioneach year) for Continuing Professional Development ofTeachers Total of 294,137 education personnel trained in 2012 Master trainers from Colleges of Education trained onuse of Open Resources for English Language Teaching 850 English Language, Science and MathematicsTeachers from across Nigeria trained on best practice
  102. 102. Teacher Recruitment and Capacity Development 25 Science Teachers trained in Canada to serve astrainers for other teachers Principals and Vice-Principals of Federal Unity Collegestrained on School Based Management CommitteePolicies and Whole School Development Planning 28,000 Head Teachers in Primary Schools trained fromall geo-political zones Started Training of 45 JSS teachers per State on the useof Open Resources for English Language Teaching 650 Special Needs Education Teachers trained
  103. 103. Teacher Professional Development
  104. 104. Teacher Professional Development
  105. 105. Teacher Professional Development
  106. 106. Female Teacher Trainee Scholarship SchemeGiving opportunities to womenfrom marginalized, remote ruralareas to acquire skills andknowledge and train as teachers;Attracting more women into theteaching profession to serve in therural, remote areas, therebyavailing female teachers to childrenfrom marginalized areas;Reducing the gap betweendemand for and supply of womenteachers in these communities;Increasing girls enrollment,retention and completion of qualityeducationBeneficiaries increased from 674in 2008/09 to 3,246 in 2011/12A cross section of beneficiaries ofthe Scholarship Scheme
  107. 107. Improved Performance inPublic Examinations Marked improvementrecorded in studentsperformance in publicexaminations This is attributable to: Improved facilities Better trainedteachers Availability ofteaching-learningmaterials% of Candidates with 5 Credits andabove Including English Language andMathematics2009 2010 2011 2012WAEC 26.56 23.36 30.9 39NECO 10.6 9.36 8.06 31.58It is expected that by 2015,the performance will be atleast 60%
  108. 108. Teacher Development atTertiary Institutions 101 Beneficiaries awarded thePresidential Scholarship forInnovation and Development(PRESSID) Over 5,867 lecturers fromtertiary institutions benefitingfrom scholarships uptoDoctoral level in Nigeria andoverseas Each Private Universitygranted N50 million forAcademic Staff CapacityDevelopment1st set of PRESSIDBeneficiariesFEDERAL MINISTRY OF EDUCATION 119
  109. 109. Teacher Development atTertiary Institutions Capacity DevelopmentProgrammes carried out foracademic staff of new FederalUniversities to enhance theireffectiveness NBTE-ECOWAS Collaborativetraining for 52 TVETpersonnel to enhancecompetence in Curriculumand Instructional MaterialsDevelopmentFEDERAL MINISTRY OF EDUCATION 120TVET Training on Curriculum &Instructional Materials Development
  110. 110. Global Support for Nigerian Education•Nigeria admitted as memberof GPE•Grant of $100 million tosupport Basic Education in 5States under the first phaseGlobalPartnership forEducation (GPE)•Committing £250 millionPounds committed to variousEducation InterventionsDFID•Committing over $110 millionto various educationinterventionsUSAID
  111. 111. Global Support for Nigerian Education• Female Teachers Scholarship Programe• Provides full scholarship for training ruralfemale teachers• Targets retention of girls in schools in therural areas• 3,246 beneficiaries in 2011/2012Unicef• Construction of 2 Comprehensive ModelSchools each in Adamawa and Gombe• Training of 20 Teachers in Korea• Commenced construction of TeacherTraining College in Enugu and some newvocational schoolsKOICA• Construction of fully-furnished 317classrooms in Kano State for 33 BasicEducation Schools• Support for the development of Capacityof Science and Mathematics TeachersJICA
  112. 112. Global Support for Nigerian Education•Supporting Adult and YouthLiteracy Programmes•Management of the N1 billionFund-in-Trust for theRevitalization of Youth andAdult LiteracyUnesco•Construction of 10 Schools inAbuja, Osun, Kano, Kaduna,Enugu, Jigawa, etc,ChineseDevelopmentAgency
  113. 113. Unesco Centres of Excellence for Nigeria University of Nigeria Nsukka designatedUnesco Centre for Excellence inBiotechnology It will serve as hub for otherbiotechnology institutes, centres andUniversities in the sub-regionNational Board for TechnicalEducation (NBTE) designatedUNEVOC Centre To serve as hub for other UNEVOCCentres in the West African sub-regionfor the development of TVETNigeria Office for Unesco upgraded toRegional Office
  114. 114. Taking Shape: A Befitting National Library forNigeria due for completion in the CentenaryYear - 2014
  115. 115. National EducationInnovations Exhibition Collaborated with sisterMDAS to bringtogether innovationsfrom Educational & researchinstitutions Private inventors Opportunity for linkwith the private sectorfor the purpose ofcommercialization126
  116. 116. Supporting Efficient EducationManagement and Better Outcomes
  117. 117. National Conference onExaminations National Stakeholders Conference onImproving Performance in PublicExaminations Promotes discussion on the challenges ofpoor performance Assigned roles and responsibilities toindividuals and groups on enhancingperformance in public examinations Monitors actions based on assigned roles
  118. 118. Developing National SystemsFramework for Basic EducationNational SystemGuidance & Counselling Support Students and parents in matters relating toacademic and personal issues and career choiceMonitoring of LearningAchievement (MLA)Mechanism for measuring learning achievementacross Basic Education and identifying challengesTeacher DevelopmentNeeds Assessment/ TeacherProfessional DevelopmentProvide accurate information on teacher needsincluding requirements for pre-service and in-servicetrainingQuality Assurance System of collaborative support from Federal, Stateand Local agencies in enhancing quality educationdeliverySchool-Based ManagementCommittee (SBMC)Enhance quality of education through involvement ofgreater number of stakeholders in its supervisionEducation ManagementInformation SystemEnsuring the availability of accurate and reliable datato support decision making in the education sector
  119. 119. Efficient Administration ofExaminations JAMB has completedarrangement to conductComputer-Based Testing JAMB constructing officesin State capitals to enhanceeasier administration ofexaminations WAEC and NECO usingbiometrics to enhance thesecurity and integrity ofexaminations
  120. 120.  In line with the Transformation Agenda, concentration inthe next half will be on Expanding Access to all levels of Education boosted bythe support of Mr. President and National andInternational Partners Technical and Vocational Education – to ensuredevelopment of skills that match jobs and developingmore entrepreneurs Implementation of the Approved Needs AssessmentReport and phased rehabilitation of infrastructureacross all levels of education Teacher Development at all levels to enhance learningoutcomeAreas of Immediate Concentration
  121. 121. Challenges Lack of shared responsibility in financing of educationespecially at tertiary level Costs the Federal Government about N500,000 per year foreach tertiary institution student Level of decay in infrastructure and learning resources Governance structure and quality of members of Boards oftertiary institutions Efficient Management and Utilization of Resources/Value forMoney Low private sector involvement Irrelevance/duplication of Courses across tertiaryinstitutions leading to increased costs
  122. 122. Challenges: States Different levels of Commitment from Statesto Basic Education Integration of Early Childhood Educationinto Public Schools is still low Most States do not have quality EducationSector Plan that identifies challenges ofBasic Education Most States have no accurate data on thesector
  123. 123. Next Steps Improve fiscal responsibility in the education sector Explore and develop guidelines for cost sharing in thefunding of education, especially higher education Enhance private sector participation in qualityeducation delivery by provision of incentives Support Technical and Vocational EducationProgrammes targeted at youths and adults Expand entrepreneurship programmes in educationalinstitutions including Entrepreneurship DegreeProgrammes
  124. 124. Next Steps New Federal Universities to specialize inspecific subject areas based on local needs Designate pilot institutions in thedevelopment of skills in relevant subject areas Improve partnerships with industries toensure relevance of education to their needs Continuous engagement with States toimprove school enrolment and provision ofinfrastructure
  125. 125. Key Performance Indicators
  126. 126. KPI: Access/EnrolmentKey Deliverable PlannedTarget –December2012ActualAchievement- December2012RemarksEnrolment inECCDE60.52% 16.57% This figure is only for publicschools. Census for privateschools where most of the ECCDEare currently enrolled , still beingprocessed by States. There is alsochallenge of States’ slowness inimplementing the new policy onECCDEEnrolment inPrimary School89.75% 91% This figure is for public schoolsonly. Figure for private schoolsnot yet addedEnrolment inJuniorSecondarySchool60.17% 50.23% This figure is for public schoolsonly. Figure for private schoolsnot yet added
  127. 127. KPI: Retention of LearnersPlannedTarget –December2012ActualAchievement- December2012RemarksAnnual Retentionof Learners byGenderECCDE 96.625% 96.5% The figure is for public schoolsonly.Primary School 95.5% 94.39%Junior SecondarySchool94.6% 98.64%Gender Parity onEnrolmentPrimary 0.89 0.85 The Campaign on Access withspecific target to Girl-ChildEducation is addressing thisJunior Secondary 0.91 0.79
  128. 128. KPI: Retention of LearnersPlannedTarget –December2012ActualAchievement -December 2012RemarksAnnual Retention ofLearners by GenderECCDE 96.625% 96.5%Primary 95.5% 94.39%Junior Secondary 94.6% 98.64%Annual CompletionRate by GenderPrimary M:77.5%F:88.1577.6%66.7%Girl educationprogrammes andincentives to encourageretention in Juniorsecondary schools isaddressing theseJunior Secondary M:87.3%F:88.2%39.3%36.5%
  129. 129. KPI: Professional Qualified TeachersPlannedTarget –December2012ActualAchievement- December2012RemarksNo. ofprofessionallyqualified teachersECCDE 57.35% 70% The recruitment of new teachersand development of existingones is addressing thesePrimary 74.66% 73%Junior SecondarySchool90.44% 91%Teacher-LearnersRatioECCDE 1:25 1:42 The development of additionalinfrastructure and recruitmentof new teachers is addressingthisPrimary 1:30 1:36Junior Secondary 1:40 1:32
  130. 130. KPI: Learners/Teachers/Classroom RatioKey Deliverable PlannedTarget –December2012ActualAchievement -December 2012RemarksLearners-ClassroomRatioECCDE 1:35 1:43 The construction of newclassrooms is addressingthisPrimary 1:42 1:49Junior Secondary 1:52 1:62Teacher-ClassroomRatioECCDE 1:1 1:1Primary 1:1 1:1Junior Secondary 1:1 2:1 Recruitment and training ofteachers is addressing this
  131. 131. KPI: Tertiary Institutions: EnrolmentPlanned Target –December 2012ActualAchievement- December2012RemarksUniversities:Federal500,000 341,000 Admission still in progress. Developmentand rehabilitation of infrastructure haveenhanced carrying capacities of mostUniversities and are now requestingpermission to increase intakeUniversities: State 150,000 103,628 Admission still in progressUniversities: Private 60,000 51,535 Admission still in progressPolytechnics/Monotechnics350,000 326,521 Admission still in progress.Development/rehabilitation of infrastructurewill enhance the carrying capacities of thePolytechnicsColleges ofEducation350,000 338,237 Admission still in progress.Development/rehabilitation of infrastructurewill enhance the carrying capacities of thePolytechnics
  132. 132. KPI: Policy, Regulatory and Administrative ServicesKey Deliverable PlannedTarget –December2012ActualAchievement -December 2012RemarksNo of policyinitiativesimplemented156 83 Budgetary constrainsaffected finalization andimplementationNo. ofstakeholderengagements291 1,333 Budgetary constraintsaffected the ability to holdfurther engagements withstakeholdersNo of stafftrained295,197 294,137 Lack of funds meant less than80,000 teachers were trainedunder MDG
  133. 133. KPI: Policy, Regulatory and Administrative ServicesKey Deliverable PlannedTarget –December2012ActualAchievement -December 2012RemarksValue of DonorfundingN496.8millionN4.2 billion Fund spent directing by Donors inproviding infrastructure/servicesValue of PrivateSector fundinggeneratedN4 billion Information being collatedValue of Fundinggenerated fromPPPN900millionInformation being collatedInternally-GeneratedRevenueN27.9billionN33.77 billion Information being collatedNo of jobscreated8,424 18,673 Information still being collated
  134. 134. The Federal Ministry of Education is committed to: Providing leadership in improving access and quality Supporting the actualization of the TransformationAgenda Enhancing the skills and competences of Nigerianyouths to be able to compete globally Enhancing Nigeria’s global competitiveness throughhigh quality educational institutions Using education as a tool for social progress andactive citizenshipConclusion
  135. 135. Thank you
